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Old 07-19-2023, 11:33 PM   #1066
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Re: Vintage 4wd Pictures:Other Makes

I like a nicely painted truck also and I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone that doesn't. Here's my take on paint:

- Original with nice paint is the best you can get from a value standpoint in my opinion but need to be very careful with the vehicle because it's original paint. Nice thing about original nice paint though is that some minor blemishes are ok. It's original paint!

- Original paint that isn't in the best condition. You know what you get with this kind of truck. Nothing to hide, some bumps and bruises ok as long as rust is minimal. Great trucks to actually use which is what I try to do with my trucks. Accidentally scratch the paint and nobody besides you will ever notice it.

- A nice respray. I'm talking a professional 9 or 10 out of 10 paint job here.
These look pretty and are what get most non truck people's attention. Bright shiny paint, nice chrome, all cleaned up. I like these types of trucks also and admire the type of owner that can keep them clean but that's not me. I don't like to need a vehicle to be dust free before I take it out in public. I've never had a vehicle in a show either. One bad move with a kid's bike or a door ding and all of a sudden your perfect paint job has a flaw that everyone will see. I love perfect paint vehicles, I'm just better off not owning them and I've sold plenty of very nice vehicles to back up that point.

- Bad resprays are very common and for me I'd rather see a multicolored, pieced together truck that is rust free than a bad paint job.

The other thing about resprays is that unless I owned the truck before the respray and had the paint work done, there's no telling the stories that may lie under that pretty paint. Because of that, my focus is minimal rust and original paint regardless of the condition. The Dodge is worthy of a respray as it's a pretty color, is complete, and has way too much missing paint as it is. I just hope that if/when that day comes I don't end up selling it because I'm worried about messing up that pretty new paint.
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