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Old 12-02-2023, 04:27 PM   #7
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2022
Location: So central coast, CA
Posts: 392
Re: 1968 oem door skin length

I just happen to have stripped and put in epoxy a real nice, original paint D/S door and was just in the middle of some seam sealing on the frame and door skin seams. I took a few pictures that may help you if I understood what you wanted. This door is original, not re-skinned .

Picture 1 (Hinge side):
When I remove a door skin, I scribe a line at the top (each side) where the skin meets the window frame and take a picture of its position front to back and place the new skin exactly where the old one was. If you get those positions the same the measurements are irrelevant in my opinion. I have found that no two doors have been skinned exactly in the same position from the factory.

Picture 2 (hinge side)
Note the door skin sits about a 1/4 inch above the hinge side window frame on this door. This is why I scribe the line before I take the skins off.

Picture 3 (latch side):
I measured from the bottom of window frame and it is exactly 30 1/2 inches to bottom of skin fold.

Picture 4 (latch side):
Note the door skin sits almost perfectly on the bottom of the latch side window frame on this door. I can just fit a business card between the skin and the frame.

I hope this helps.
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