Thread: Body shop talk
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Old 11-19-2008, 11:28 PM   #2
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Re: Body shop talk

I know where you are coming from. i am a professional auto tech, have been for 20 or so years. I used to work at a shop where we accepted extended warranties. they have adjusters just the same as you. their sole job is to shave as much money from you and the customer as possible. my biggest complaint is they DO NOT pay for diagnostic time. i could get into a very long rant on this subject alone but I would rather have a nice peaceful night's sleep. ( I have spent uncountable nights in class away from family, dolled out untold amounts of cash on high end test equipment only to be told I will not get paid for it. easy now, think happy thoughts. )
this brings me to my current status. I work at an independent shop with a strong 35 year reputation and a customer base to match which I plan to take over in the near future. we do not honor extended warranties for this exact reason. our customers know this and they completely understand our position. I cant make money while sitting on the phone for an hour trying to get Joe Adjuster to cover the repairs let alone the diag. time. the customer pays and the company can reimburse them.
what if body shops did the same thing? would it fly? should I ditch my plans and become an adjuster?
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