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Old 01-19-2010, 10:54 AM   #2
The Older Generation

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Re: The '36 Ford Coupe Rebuild

Roll forward to 2009. My friend Ron had finished his '40 Ford coupe and was looking for something to work on. He asked me if he could take the '36 up to his place and start rebuilding it. I said no problem but I was working on the Red/White'71 Chevy 4x4 and wouldn't be able to help him until I got it finished. He said that wasn't a problem and took the car to his place. As you can see by the following pictures he completely dismantled the car, replaced every piece of metal that was even remotely rusty and replaced the front floorboard that I had cut out and replaced with fiberglass. I completely cleaned and undercoated the underside of the body and the body was finally ready to go to my friend Gary's for finish bodywork and paint.

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