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Old 06-08-2018, 05:16 PM   #2
The Older Generation

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Re: Wheel cover advice needed please

Originally Posted by jfnar View Post
I'm attempting to use full P01 wheel covers with the wheels shown below. The PO called them ralleys but I'm not sure. I probably should have had the wheels sandblasted but I'm low on time and $$ so I just sanded them and brushed a coat of POR Hardcoat on. They appear to have had multiple previous coats of paint on them. They cured for a couple weeks before putting on the tires and then 6 or 8 weeks before I put the covers on. The wheel covers were very tight and difficult to put on. I used a rubber hubcap mallet and pounded them all in as far as they would go but I lost one after about 50 miles of driving. As you can see the cover took quite a bit of the black paint with it. Is it possible that too many coats of paint are making the fit too tight? Should I sand that area down to metal and re-paint? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

Not like any ralleys I have seen.

You could try stripping it down to bare metal and putting a light coat on it but I would say that the wheels are just different enough that you will be lucky to keep them on....


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