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Old 10-06-2011, 04:32 PM   #10
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Re: Steering Wheel Restoration

PC-7 is the epoxy to use; I thnk it's what Eastwood sells. It's available at Ace Hardware stores. Use a dremel to grind the cracks open all the way down to the steel frame. I had the wheel I restored lightly soda blasted to take all the old paint off before I started, which helped the epoxy have a fresh surface to stick to on the outer layer of the wheel. The PC-7 is fairly dense so it's easy to shape it like you want it, and can be smoothed with lacquer thinner to minimize sanding. Sand the repaired area smooth, then use Slick Sand primer to get the wheel ready to paint. Slick Sand sticks to the steering wheel material very well and is great to sand out minor imperfections prior to painting the wheel. Guide coat the primer and wetsand the wheel with 400-500 grit paper and it'll be ready to paint. I wouldn't recommend spraying Slick Sand on the spokes of a '66 deluxe wheel, or similar wheel as the thickness of the primer will alter the texture of the grain on the spokes.

I don't have any pics of just the wheel I restored by itself, these are all I have of it after it was installed.

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